Is Your Relationship Real? The "Fantasy Bond" Might Be Fooling You
Dr. Rivka Graham-Edery, Psy.D, LCSW, MSW, M-RAS, IFS LEVEL-I
• Dr. Richard Schwartz, IFS Founder
Internal Family Systems Institute (IFSI)
• Dr. Steven Hayes, ACT Founder
Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS)
I have recently gotten curious about the concept of ‘fantasy bond’ from an IFS and ACT perspective. As a therapist, I've been fascinated by this concept and how it shows up in my clients' lives.
You might experience a fantasy bond as if you are playing a role in your relationship instead of genuinely connecting. Psychologist Dr. Robert Firestone coined this term and wrote a book called "The Fantasy Bond" (1987). Essentially, this type of bond is an illusion of connection that prevents real intimacy, feels confusing, and persistently that something isn’t quite right. Dr. Firestone explains how these bonds form and keep us stuck.
Although almost anyone can get into this situation, I noticed that adult children of alcoholics or dysfunctional parents/families with chronic emotional neglect, trauma, or inconsistent parenting are more susceptible. Why? Because those early hurts can make us crave connection so intensely that we settle for a fantasy.
Why might this concept be relevant to you? You might have, or are currently, creating or maintaining a fantasy bond. It is rooted in emotional hunger, understood as craving love that goes unfilled. There are several reasons why emotional hunger goes unfilled. From an IFS perspective, protectors keep anyone away that can potentially re-offend the exiles. Emotional hunger creates psychological inflexibility and inspires acceptance of crumbs instead of the whole loaf.
The Fantasy Bond:
It's like building a comfy little bubble in your relationship to avoid the messy stuff—vulnerability, conflict, and genuine intimacy (exile fears). To keep this illusion going, you might idealize your partner, avoid difficult conversations, or criticize yourself (protector behaviors).
Breaking Free with IFS + ACT
These two approaches are like a dynamic duo for creating authentic relationships:
IFS (Internal Family Systems): Imagine your inner world as if it were a family. IFS helps you understand the different "parts" of yourself that might play a role in the fantasy bond. Some parts might protect you from old hurts, while others long for authentic connection. By getting to know these parts and offering them compassion, you can start to heal and create more space for authenticity. Some people’s protector parts are so fierce and exiles so hidden that they may have rarely or never experienced genuine intimacy. Protectors are genius ‘maskers’; they can mimic who and what they need to ensure survival.
ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) helps you accept your part’s difficult emotions (like fear of vulnerability) rather than promoting avoidance. It encourages you to clarify your values (like authenticity and genuine connection) and take actions that align with those values, even if they feel scary. This supports your manager parts in relaxing somewhat and allowing your exiles a safe space. Acceptance is a powerful experience for parts who are so used to endless wars of having to prove their value, innocence, points of view, or rights to exist.
Why IFS + ACT together?
It's like having a compassionate guide (IFS) and a brave adventure buddy (ACT) all rolled into one! IFS helps you understand the why behind the fantasy bond (those hurt inner parts), while ACT gives you the tools to break free and create something real (by accepting your feelings and taking values-based action).
With Fantasy Bonds as part of a strategy to fulfill needs and avoid pain, protectors, and exiles become trapped in rigid patterns of relating, engaging in a circular barter for precious payoffs: avoiding difficult feelings as a top priority.
There is so much reward in creating space for all your parts and bringing self-energy to your system. When protectors can relax, they are more open to having their exiles come forward. This is where “The Fantasy Bond” has its moment to retire, even for a gentle moment.
What are your bonds like? Genuine, fantasy, or a mix of both sometimes?
Monthly Monday Fireside: Embracing Every Part of Yourself –
The Dance of Parts & Presence: An ACT & IFS Fireside Guided Meditation
Dr. Rivka A. Graham-Edery, Psy.D., M.S.W., L.C.S.W., M-RAS, IFS Level I
Welcome. Settle in and get comfortable. We're about to embark on a journey into the most fascinating landscape of all – your inner world. I'm Rivka Graham-Edery, your guide for this adventure. Together, we'll explore the 'Dance of Parts & Presence.' We'll draw on the wisdom of Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to understand the diverse parts within you and embrace them with loving awareness.
Allow your body to relax. Release any tension you might be holding. If it feels right, gently close your eyes or soften your gaze. Let your vision blur. Now, take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and gently, feeling the air fill your lungs. Exhale slowly and thoroughly, releasing any stress or worry. With each breath, let yourself drift more profoundly into a state of ease and presence.
Now, turn your attention inward. What exists inside you isn't just a single 'you' – it's a vibrant community of different parts. Imagine this inner world as a vast and tranquil forest. Sunlight filters through the leaves, dappling the forest floor. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves, creating a soothing sound. A clear stream flows through the forest, its water sparkling. Birds sing sweetly in the trees. Within this peaceful forest, various parts of you reside. Some are familiar, others less so.
As you breathe, notice which parts are most present. What are their names? What emotions do they carry? What do they want you to know? If your parts could speak, what would they say? Perhaps there's a part that's curious about this whole idea of 'parts' – drawn to the warmth and connection of this shared energy. Maybe a part is tired, seeking rest and rejuvenation in this inner forest. Or a part that's excited to connect and learn from others. There might even be a part that feels hesitant or unsure, needing reassurance and safety. Whatever parts are present, acknowledge them with curiosity and compassion. There's no need to change them or make them go away. Just allow them to be here, held in the gentle embrace of your awareness.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT, has a core principle: acceptance. Acceptance means opening to our present experience – just as it is – without judgment. It means acknowledging our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without struggling, pushing them away, or trying to change them. So, as you notice your parts, practice acceptance. Offer them kindness and understanding. Recognize that each part has a positive intention, even if its actions sometimes cause difficulty. Each part is trying to help you in its way. You could even thank your parts for the roles they play in your life. Thank them for trying to protect, motivate, or help you belong. Thank them for their loyalty and their efforts.
Now, shift your awareness. Feel the ground beneath you. Feel the solidity of the earth supporting you, holding you. Sense the strength of the trees surrounding you. Feel the coolness of the mossy earth, the gentle breeze. As you connect with this grounded presence, sense a more profound presence within you – a core of stillness and calm amidst your parts. This is your Self, the essence of who you are. Your Self is filled with compassion, curiosity, clarity, and connectedness. It is a source of inner wisdom, strength, and love.
As you connect with your Self, notice how it feels to hold your parts with this loving awareness. Imagine your Self as a warm, gentle light, illuminating each part with understanding and acceptance. You can explore your parts with greater compassion from this place of Self. You can listen to their concerns, understand their needs, and help them find new ways to support you. You might even imagine extending this Self-energy to your parts. Visualize, sending them warmth, light, or a sense of peace. Imagine this Self-energy flowing through you like a clear stream, nourishing and soothing each part.
Notice how your parts respond to this Self-energy. Do they soften? Relax? Do they feel more understood? Spend more time exploring this inner landscape. Notice the interplay between your parts and your Self. Allow yourself to be present with whatever arises without judgment. You can visualize your parts interacting with your Self as a gentle guide.
Returning and Closing
When you're ready, gently return your attention to the room. Notice the sounds and sensations around you. Feel your body. Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes. Thank you for joining me on this journey inward. May you continue to explore your inner world with curiosity and compassion and carry this sense of peace with you today.
Newsletter: Volume 6. FALL 2024
Dr. Rivka Graham-Edery, Psy.D, MSW, LCSW
How the Anxious Child and Avoidant Protector Create Disorganized Attachment -
An IFS & ACT Solution-Focused Perspective.
Are you trapped in a cycle of craving love and pushing it away? You might be caught in the Stormy-Trap of disorganized attachment. Imagine your mind is like a family living inside you, with different "parts" playing various roles. Some parts are like anxious children, scared and worried. Others are like strict parents, trying to control everything and keep those scared parts in line.
Disorganized Attachment Style, viewed through the lens of Internal Family Systems (IFS), suggests that our struggle for happiness often stems from these inner family dynamics. It's like a storm raging within us, fueled by conflicting parts and unresolved trauma.
Parts in Conflict: Imagine a terrified child who desperately wants love but is terrified of getting hurt. This "anxious child" part clashes with a "controlling parent" part that tries to protect the child by pushing others away or sabotaging intimacy. This internal tug-of-war creates constant turmoil and prevents us from experiencing peace or genuine connection.
Exiled Parts: Past hurts, and traumas create "exiled" parts that carry deep pain and shame. Our "protective parts," like vigilant guards, try to hide these exiled parts, leading to avoidance and a limited life. These protectors might be hypervigilant, constantly expecting danger and reacting intensely to perceived threats, even in safe situations. The Self Lost in the Chaos: Our core Self, which is compassionate and wise, gets lost in this stormy family drama. We lose touch with our true nature and get caught up in the parts' struggles, leading to confusion and self-doubt.
1). Getting to Know Your Parts: Instead of fighting or ignoring our parts, we can approach them with curiosity and compassion. Imagine sitting down with that scared child and that controlling parent, seeking to understand their motivations and the burdens they carry.
2). Self-Leadership: We can strengthen our core Self, allowing it to lead the internal family with understanding and acceptance. This means not taking sides in the parts' conflicts but offering compassion to all. Imagine the Self as a wise and loving leader who can calm the storm and create harmony within.
3). Unburdening the Parts: By listening to and understanding our parts, we can help them release their burdens and find peace. Imagine helping the child feel safe and the parent let go of their controlling ways. This allows them to step back from their extreme roles and cooperate.
4). Living from the Self: When our parts feel heard and understood, they can trust the Self to lead. This allows us to live authentically, guided by our values, even in the presence of difficult emotions. Imagine the whole family working together, guided by the Self's wisdom and compassion.
In essence, "Disorganized Attachment" through an IFS lens suggests:
A). Our unburdened, unled inner "family" dynamics, marked by fear and conflict, create much of our suffering.
B). By understanding and accepting our parts, especially those shaped by trauma, we can find inner peace.
C). A strong Self can lead the internal family, allowing us to live a full and meaningful life, navigate relationships with greater security, and face challenges with courage and compassion.
D). By applying the principles of ACT and IFS, and seeking trauma-informed support when needed, individuals can begin to heal from disorganized attachment and create a more secure and fulfilling life.
LEARN MORE AND JOIN US! Beyond Acceptance: Your Inner Parts Welcome to an ACT & IFS Community Facebook Group
Host, IFS Community Zoom Gatherings
#IFS #InternalFamilySystems #PartsWork #SelfLeadership #ACT #AcceptanceAndCommitmentTherapy #Mindfulness #PsychologicalFlexibility #EmotionalHealing #DisorganizedAttachment #AttachmentTrauma #FearfulAvoidant #AnxiousAttachment #RelationshipStruggles #TraumaRecovery #InnerChildHealing #MentalHealth #Therapy #SelfCompassion #EmotionalWellbeing #PersonalGrowth #HealingJourney
Newsletter: Volume 5. June 2024
Dr. Rivka Graham-Edery, Psy.D, MSW, LCSW
Welcome to Our Monday Fireside: Embracing Every Part of Yourself Newsletter!
Subject: 🔥 FREE IFS Fireside Gathering Tomorrow: (7 PM-8:15PM UK)
Greetings IFS travelers! Join us tomorrow for our weekly IFS Fireside Gathering, a safe space to connect, learn, and share experiences with the IFS model.
New? Register once and use the same link each week:
7:00 PM: Welcome and PowerPoint Introduction
7:15: Fifteen minutes of quiet attunement: Center yourself and set the intention for our gathering
7:30 PM: Thirty Minutes of ‘Check-In’ Discussions: Engage in triad conversations within privately assigned Zoom breakout rooms. (IFS inspired exercises provided)
8:00 PM: 15 Minutes for Group Check-In and Closing: Reflect, share insights, and connect with fellow IFS explorers.
8:15PM: Group ends.
Are you curious about a brief introduction to seeing the DSM / Mental Health through the IFS lens? You read my full post and download the diagrams here:
Don't forget to share this invitation with your friends, family or colleagues who might be interested.
Looking forward to connecting with you and co-creating a meaningful experience!
P.S. Did you find this post helpful? Share your thoughts or questions with me!
We can't wait to see you there!
Dr. Rivka A. Edery, Psy.D., M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Newsletter: Volume 4: December 2023
Dr. Rivka Edery
Creative Reparenting can transform broken mirrors into beautiful mosaics.
This newsletter is about the creative reparenting of your inner child. We heal the parts of ourselves that were neglected or hurt in childhood by reparenting our inner child. By addressing these deep-rooted wounds, we can unlock personal growth and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Worthy guidance and techniques can help you re-parent your inner child to a better relationship with yourself. By tending to the needs of our inner child, we can unlock profound healing, release emotional blockages,and transform our lives.
At, we're dedicated to a unique mission: empowering you to be your own loving parent. The journey to self-love and acceptance can be challenging, but it's the most rewarding expedition you'll ever embark on. In the words of Steve Maraboli, "The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself."
This newsletter is a brief holiday wish for you, with some helpful tools to help you gather more glimmers of love, joy and connection.
To share this newsletter with others, share this link:
Should any of these resources benefit you, kindly spread the word and respond to me to inform me what you're adding to your valuable toolkit!
Dr. Rivka A. Edery
Author of
1. Trauma and Transformation: A 12-StepGuide
2. Hear Me Sing: Book I
1) Reparenting Revolution Facebook Page:
2) Dr. Rivka Edery Facebook Group:
3) FREE mental health
4) LinkedIn Group:
The Creative Reparenting Newsletter by Dr. Edery
Becoming your Loving Inner Parent to your inner child is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. This practice is beneficial for a few reasons.
Here is where you can find all the blogs if you want to read them:
If you'd like to share it with friends, please use this link:
As 2023 ends, you may reflect on moments of warmth and lingering traumas, possibly deepened by global uncertainties. I hope you find peace and a spark of joy as you conclude this year and prepare for 2024.
In seeking healing, I encourage you to find a spiritual community that fulfills these needs:
First, cultivate a safe environment. Seek groups or spaces that offer confidentiality, empathy, and respect. You deserve to feel secure and heard in your healing process.
Second, explore diverse healing methods. Embrace therapies like art, mindfulness, or yoga that resonate with you. For example, painting is a great way to express my emotions and release stress.
Third, use technology. Use apps to enrich your recovery with tools and support beyond traditional therapy. For example, you can try Headspace, a meditation app that helps you relax and focus.
Fourth, take part in storytelling. Express and share your journey creatively to empower yourself and others within supportive settings. For example, you can join a writing workshop, a book club, or a podcast group that celebrates stories of resilience and hope.
Fifth, connect with peer mentors. Draw inspiration and guidance from those who've navigated similar paths. For example, you can reach out to a friend, a family member, or an online community member who has overcome a similar trauma and ask for their advice.
Approach healing with care, honoring each person's unique path. Choose innovative healing paths to inspire progress in yourself or others. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. As Maya Angelou said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." So, tell your story and heal your soul.
Journal Prompts:
- Reflect on the modalities that have aided your trauma recovery.
- Ponder how to foster a supportive space for yourself in the new year.
- Consider ways to cultivate safety and support as you enter the new year.
With love ❤️
Dr. Rivka
December 31, 2023
To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website:
#healingjourney #kindnessmatters #glimmers #loveandkindness
Dr. Rivka Edery
Creative Reparenting can transform broken mirrors into beautiful mosaics.
Newsletter: Volume 3: Fall 2023
This newsletter is about the creative reparenting of your inner child. We heal the parts of ourselves that were neglected or hurt in childhood by reparenting our inner child. By addressing these deep-rooted wounds, we can unlock personal growth and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Worthy guidance and techniques can help you re-parent your inner child to a better relationship with yourself. By tending to the needs of our inner child, we can unlock profound healing, release emotional blockages,and transform our lives.
At, we're dedicated to a unique mission: empowering you to be your own loving parent. The journey to self-love and acceptance can be challenging, but it's the most rewarding expedition you'll ever embark on. In the words of Steve Maraboli, "The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself."
In this newsletter, we'll share six helpful resources to help you explore this idea further and nurture this important relationship.
Join us as we delve into the transformative power of self-love and understanding. Let's begin this journey of becoming our loving parents because every step we take towards self-love is a step towards a happier, fuller life.
Stay tuned and get ready to embrace the love within you!
To share this newsletter with others, share this link:
Should any of these resources benefit you, kindly spread the word and respond to me to inform me what you're adding to your valuable toolkit!
Until next month,
Dr. Rivka Edery
Author of
1. Trauma and Transformation: A 12-StepGuide
1) Reparenting Revolution Facebook Page:
2) Dr. Rivka Edery Facebook Group:
3) FREE mental health
4) LinkedIn Group:
The Creative Reparenting Newsletter by Dr. Edery
Becoming your Loving Inner Parent to your inner child is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. This practice is beneficial for a few reasons.
Here is where you can find all the blogs if you want to read them:
If you'd like to share it with friends, please use this link:
1) Loving Parent Guidebook (Spiral Bound) ISBN978-1-944840-14-3
The Solution in the Adult Children of Alcoholics / Dysfunctional Families (ACA and ACoA) program is to become your own loving parent. The Loving Parent Guidebook explains how to incorporate this healing resource into your life. The book guides creating the conditions to reclaim your inner child and re-parent yourself with gentleness, humor, love, and respect. You can apply everything you learn in this guidebook to parenting, interacting with children, and interacting with adults. When you become a friend to yourself, you're naturally a friend to others.
Bonus Resources Page:
2) Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model, Second Edition
A highly accessible introduction to a therapeutic approach that brings our inner “parts” into harmony and allows our core Self to lead.
We’re all familiar with self-talk, self-doubt, and self-judgment—yet most of us still view ourselves as if we have one uniform mind. Dr. Richard Schwartz’s breakthrough was recognizing that we each contain an “internal family” of distinct parts—and that treating these parts with curiosity, respect, and empathy vastly expands our capacity to heal.
Over the past two decades, Internal Family Systems (IFS) has transformed the practice of psychotherapy. With Introduction to Internal Family Systems, the creator of IFS presents the ideal layperson’s guide for understanding this empowering, effective, and non-pathologizing approach to self-discovery and healing. Dr. Schwartz shares evidence, case studies, and self-care tools to help us move from suppressing our wounded parts to unburdening them from extreme beliefs, emotions, and addictions—shifting these parts from inner obstacles to invaluable allies.
“The most wonderful discovery I have made is that as we do this work, we naturally gain access to our true Self—the calm, compassionate essence of who we are,” reports Dr. Schwartz. “When the Self becomes the leading intelligence in our lives, we create more harmony—both within ourselves and in our external lives.” For therapists, their clients, and anyone interested in understanding and healing themselves, here is an essential guide to a revolutionary approach to mental wellness.
3) [Unlocking Us] by BrenéBrown. This podcast is hosted by Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston who has spent the past two decades studying courage,vulnerability, shame, and empathy. In this podcast, she interviews guests from different fields and backgrounds who share their stories of struggle and success. She also discusses belonging, authenticity, creativity, leadership,spirituality, parenting, social justice, and more.
4) [How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime] by Nadine Burke Harris. This is a TED talk by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a pediatrician who became California’s first Surgeon General in 2019. In this talk, she explains how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as abuse, neglect, violence, and poverty can have lasting impacts on health and well-being throughout life. She also advocates for screening and treating children and adults who have experienced trauma and preventing future traumas by addressing the root causes of social inequity and injustice.
How to practice emotional first aid: Handy TED Talks for when you (or a loved one) need help recovering from an emotional hit.
6) [How to practice emotional first aid] by Guy Winch. This is an article by Dr. Guy Winch, a psychologist and author specializing in emotional health. In this article, he argues that we often neglect our emotional wounds and suffer from low self-esteem, loneliness,failure, rejection, and guilt. He suggests that we should treat our emotional pain with the same care and attention that we give to our physical pain. He offers some tips and strategies for practicing emotional first aid, such as challenging negative self-talk, boosting self-compassion, seeking social support, and finding meaning and purpose.
Dr. Rivka Edery
Creative Reparenting can transform broken mirrors into beautiful mosaics.
Newsletter: Volume 2: Summer 2023
This newsletter is about the creative reparenting of your inner child. We heal the parts of ourselves that were neglected or hurt in childhood by reparenting our inner child. By addressing these deep-rooted wounds, we can unlock personal growth and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Worthy guidance and techniques can help you re-parent your inner child to a better relationship with yourself. By tending to the needs of our inner child, we can unlock profound healing, release emotional blockages,and transform our lives.
To share this newsletter with others, share this link:
1. Take a moment to reflect on your own childhood experiences. How those experiences may have influenced your current mindset and behaviors. Self-reflection can lead to a greater understanding of the importance of reparenting the inner child. It also encourages further exploration of this method.
2. Practical exercises or techniques that you can implement to connect with your inner child in a loving and nurturing way. You can write to your inner child, be creative, or care for yourself.
3. A twelve-step fellowship called Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) focuses on this specific healing modality. Groups offer stories from people who became Loving Inner Parents and transformed their lives. These personal accounts can inspire and motivate readers to embark on their reparenting journey. You can find the main ACA website here:
4. I warmly invite reader engagement. Share your experiences, insights, and challenges regarding reparenting your inner child. The platform is my Facebook group,
5. Readers can connect with others by exploring the role of a Loving Inner Parent. This sense of community and support can foster a safe space for individuals to share and learn from each other.
6. The long-term benefits of adopting the role of a Loving Inner Parent. This practice can make you more self-aware, emotionally intelligent, and joyful. It is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and healing, but one that can have profound positive effects on overall well-being.
7. Reparenting the inner child can be challenging, and setbacks may occur.Overcome challenges by getting help, being kind to yourself, and staying committed to healing.
This past month, I uploaded three podcasts and corresponding scripts. The audio tracks are available on YouTube for streaming or downloading.
1. The power of values in healing severe childhood trauma:Three creative writing exercises.
2. Help your loving parts find their way home: guided inner child reparenting practice for developmental trauma.
3. Curious About Parts: Finding Solutions Through Non-Dominant Handwriting Exploration.
On my website, you can listen to or read them here:
Until next month,
Dr. Rivka Edery
Creative Reparenting can transform broken mirrors into beautiful mosaics.
An IFS-informed, ACT-trained therapist, Level II Trauma Certification
Author of
1. Trauma and Transformation: A 12-StepGuide
1) Reparenting Revolution Facebook Page:
2) Dr. Rivka Edery Facebook Group:
3) FREE mental health events:
4) LinkedIn Group:
The Creative Reparenting Newsletter by Dr. Edery
Dr. Rivka Edery
Creative Reparenting can transform broken mirrors into beautiful mosaics.
Greetings from Dr. Rivka Edery's desk, and welcome to our first newsletter!
Volume 1: Spring 2023
I'm focused on promoting creative inner reparenting. My strategy is to share clinically relevant techniques based on three evidence-based approaches. Three therapies include Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Polyvagal Theory. These approaches offer a holistic approach for anyone interested in connecting with their mind, body, and soul on a deeper level. Unresolved inner child needs can create psychological and behavioral difficulties. These three methods, separately or in combination, can be a promising remedy. These three are the ones I enjoy the most.
This first edition newsletter includes an article on non-dominant handwriting exercises.
Do you think there's a secret part of yourself that holds the key to discovering your purpose in life? Use different colored pencils when writing a question with your dominant hand and answering it with your non-dominant hand. "Non-dominant handwriting" (Dr. Lucia Capacchione, 1979) can offer insightful revelations about yourself. I recommend you try it out!
Start with these two simple steps: First, ask a question using your dominant hand. Using a different colored pencil with your non-dominant hand, write whatever comes to your mind. Write without assessing or critiquing your work. Maintain a curious, open, and flexible attitude. You might find solutions that you never thought of before by taking this approach. Your inner thoughts and feelings are not deliberately concealed from you. Writing can help you connect with these internal parts of yourself.
Use the worksheet provided as a sample, or even create a dedicated journal to explore the questions that matter most to you regularly.
What I have been up to:
This month marks the start of my new venture, Free Global Mental Health Events. The platform allows mental health experts to share their free events with interested people.
You can visit us here:
Facebook group:
LinkedIn Group:
I started a new Facebook page, which I invite you to join:
Dr. Rivka Edery's Inner Reparenting Revolution.
It's essential to tune in empathically to identify when young parts are in control and are seeking something from you that only you can provide. Reparenting these young parts through creative reparenting can transform broken mirrors into beautiful mosaics. ❤️
Here is the link:
If you want to join our healing, nurturing, growth-based community, please visit us at Dr. Rivka Edery Private Facebook Group:
Sign up for my monthly newsletter:
Until next month,
Dr. Rivka Edery
Creative Reparenting can transform broken mirrors into beautiful mosaics.
An IFS-informed and ACT-trained therapist
Voice: +1 804-608-6756
Author of
1. Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide
The Creative Reparenting Newsletter by Dr. Edery